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September 26, 2008


"In a capitalist society, people aren’t entitled to success and the compensation we receive isn’t always based on parity."

Great point. To many graduates these days expect to get paid a huge salary without having really proven themselves. On the flip side they have been told since they were kids they were special and deserved what they expect. Just a tough situation all around, but you are right, in a capitalist society, there is no entitlement and the more it is merit, achievement, and hard-work based, the better. Thanks for the post!


Marcos, great to see you again, and thanks for your comment. I agree that the deserving-ness is more prevalent among the younger generation because of the way they were raised.

Wow, this is a spectacular post! I agree, your work/house/product is only worth what someone will pay for it. Part of knowing what you're worth is knowing what the market value of your skills is. If the job market is tough, sometimes it's better to just be thankful for your bird in hand!

Hi Erika, I think "a bird in the hand" is something people tend to have trouble with, along with "the grass is always greener." I guess they are cliches for a reason. :)

Alex, Alex, Alex. You're obviously wrong. Gen Y doesn't have to pay dues. And it must be true. I read it on their blogs.

Well, Animal, I keep fighting the good fight...

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