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January 11, 2010


I think this is a post that every young professional should read. It is so easy to get mad in the competitive work worlds we live in and venting that anger usually makes us feel better but like you said...it is not worth it. Many people could save themselves grief if they read this post and tried to remember it next time they were tempted to speak ill of a coworker! Thanks for the great advice!
Amber Sosa

This intrigues me as this afternoon I was accidentally cced into a colleagues email rant. It's definitely not libel but she came off as a bitter weirdo with a martyr complex about the mini fridge she brought to the office. I'm still mulling over what to do about it especially as she leveled some unfounded but ultimately petty fridge related allegations about me. Just goes to show that you should be extremely wary about what you say even in a supposed private email. It's work not a friend's house.

@Amber: Glad you liked it, and thanks for taking the time to comment.

@Cary: Thanks for bringing up the point about e-mail. People need to assume that anything put in writing - no matter what the forum - will get back to the person in question.

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