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May 20, 2010


Your post reminded me of a discussion I was having with some people from Google and Brazen Careerist the other day: if you want to make waves, you have to blow people out of the water first. Essentially, we were observing that the working culture has changed so that people don't even need to do well at their jobs (and this isn't just at entry-level, it goes up the chain). They then want to do great things higher in the organization, but can't deliver on any of their current responsibilities. If you want an exec to think you're going to be amazing in a higher position and should be dropped into a high-potential pool, then you should be amazing in the job now. Track records are there for a reason. If you aren't delivering on tasks now, you're also letting your team suffer for your bad attitude. As you say, treat others how you would like to be treated. If you don't want a co-worker shoving their projects on to your plate, why would you do the same by not even trying to do your job? Thanks for the post!

Excellent. Very nicely put.


Really great advice. The courteous, helpful person will truly make a better impression and have more success in the workplace than someone trying to work the system. Nice guys and gals do finish first.

Thanks for a great post.

Making the most out of the opportunities that your current job provides can be extremely challenging, especially if your feel overqualified and underappreciated in this role.

Regardless the path to bigger and better things often goes through your current job. Either they will see and acknowledge your hard work at your current company or your experiences will make your resume that much stronger for when you need to jump ship.

@DC Jobs: You are thoughtful and eloquent. I love your comments!

@Arden: Re nice girls and nice gals, I continue to hope this is the case!

@KK: Thanks - much appreciated!

@Emily: So glad this is a discussion on Brazen, as twenty-somethings need to be talking about the issue. The truth is that most people who get promoted have already been doing the job of the senior position for some time.

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