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June 01, 2010


Love the term "social capital." My favorite is #2, content. I think that in order to position oneself for future opportunities, you have to create content (or curate content) that matters.

Can't agree with you more. While I am able to help clients with their resumes, they have to learn how to expand their reach and social media is the way to go. As long as they take care of their online persona (which everyone, even hiring managers and employers) will perceive to be you whether you are in or out of the office, social media can be a very powerful tool in making their job search a successful one.

Kare, The Resume Chick (on Twitter or Google if you need more info)

I like the phrase Ted uses in the first comment, "curate content". I think that approach is a great idea for those just getting their feet wet in social media.

For a job hunter not familiar with social media the idea that they have to start producing blog posts or videos might seem overwhelming.

Starting them out with a Twitter account where they can filter and present relevant information they collect to benefit their niche can be a great first step.

Social media savvy certainly is expected. This week, for the first time, I was asked by a potential employer about my online "reach."

Thanks for the tips. I'll definitely pursue these links to learn more.

Love your content. Wish your site had more pleasing aesthetics and a more visually developed About section with contact information though. Generally I skip over sites whose design turns me away, but I found your article via a tweet from someone I consider reputable, so I read on. Are you in the works of vamping up your design?

@Charissa: Funny you should ask - yes! Look for a full redesign in early 2011.

@Chelsea: Online "reach." Love it. Those terms used to be reserved for marketing people. Not anymore!

@DC: I like the idea of starting out with Twitter. Seems more manageable.

@Karen: Where do you advise clients they should place their resumes online?

@Ted: I also like the word "curate" because that's exactly what we're all doing here.

Social media is also a good source of different online and freelance jobs that advisable for job seekers, you can used Facebook and Twitter to look for some online job opportunity by doing Facebook marketing and Twitter marketing.

Well, it is not a bad idea for job seekers to use social media channels to boost their chances on getting hired. In fact, this will give them an advantage over other candidates. For one, using social media is one of the best ways to create and build connection. Once you are connected with people in different industries, you will know the right people that can help you scout a job. And the platforms can also help you to advertise yourself creatively. You can express yourself, and at the same time promote yourself to your future employers online.

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