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August 26, 2010


This subject is really gaining mindshare in the last few days, judging from my Twitter stream & questions I see on LinkedIn. These guidelines are sensible. That last admonition about not taking down to the team & impact of statements is so important.

It is disappointing to see that most of the commentary appearing on "social media policy" is really more about employee codes of conduct. Organisations with decent codes of conduct, statements of ethics etc are not getting much out the current discussions. What people really want to see is much more commentary on leveraging social media. I am currently working on a major community engagement for my organisation (local government) and would really like to hear about initiatives and experiences that are relevant to this.

@Ed: I kept getting asked, so I decided to do a post. Glad you found it helpful!

@Tee: I agree with you. I think that the immediacy and potential danger of social media just gives the traditional guidelines a greater sense of urgency.

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