I love it when people tell me that they think my website is impressive, because that means my site has achieved its primary goal. By employing a streamlined and professional design and including my expertise in a flattering way, the site makes me look like a bigger deal than I am.
Now since I have a job as a public expert, a website that showcases my clients, media appearances, etc. is important. My online presence is many people’s first introduction to me, and I earn a living based on whether or not it inspires loads of confidence. This may or may not be the case for you, but fortunately, there are several other ways you can position yourself as a big deal right there in your home office. Among them:
Take two hours to write your bio
If you haven’t been asked for your biography to include in a company publication or initiative yet, it’s coming. Most people make the mistake of dashing off – in about thirty seconds -a one-paragraph bio rambling off the years they worked at this company and that company. Don’t do this. Instead, carefully study the bios of the people in your industry who make a lot of money and garner a lot of accolades, and model yours after theirs. Remember to include things that are important to your audience (for example, my readers really respect a publication like the New York Times so the fact that I am a writer there is a big deal). When a strong bio serves as a first introduction, you are ahead of the game before you even open your mouth or shake hands.
For more where this came from, visit the full post over at Intuit's Fast Track blog.