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February 03, 2015


Thanks Alexandra for sharing this. You are right when you said one's resume must be customized to meet a particular job that one has qualification and experience for. For that reason one would have to create several resumes for different job positions.

Could you please tell more about applicant tracking systems? What search methods they use or how Database works?

Fantastic post – thanks for the tips, they are really useful.This is true to win the competition it is very important to update the resume. If you are seeking for secrets to writing an impressive resume that makes you stand out in your job application. You can start making use of new resume samples 2015 on to revamp your application and to become your inspiration in trying to win a job this year.

Great post that addresses the issues very well. However, I think your suggestion of leaving off graduation dates — while a good idea — is unrealistic as a solution.

Nearly every professional in her/his 40s and up has a social-media presence that gives away her/his age, and it only takes a few minutes for an intrepid employer to find this (and they look). A 10-minute search on Google, Facebook, and LinkedIn, as well as the "people finder" type sites, will lead to photos and data of the candidate that will provide an approximate age, if not an exact birth date. Alumni pages, membership sites, yearbooks online... all of this helps give it away.

So, I think anyone 40+ years old needs to accept this reality, embrace their age (aka, experience), and not try to hide it. If an organization will not consider you due to your age, you probably wouldn't want to work there anyhow.

What a fantastic post! This is so great, full of useful information. Applicant Tracking System is helps recruiters

optimize & track their recruitment process.

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